Uncle Richie's Clan



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Sorry, I had to redo this whole page do to some file corruption.  These are some pictures that Mary and Billy were nice enough to share with us.  Some are up to date and some go way back in time.  Enjoy them with me. I don't have to tell you that the pictures are thumbnails.  Click on a picture for a full view.

Billy and Mary Billy, Richie and Mary
Billy's son Bobby and Beth Billy's wife Donna and granddaughter Delainey
Billy's youngest daughter Dannielle Poppop, Nanna, Aunt Anne, Uncle Richie and young Billy
Uncle Jim, Aunt Nita, Poppop and Aunt Anne Poppop, Michael, Richie and Billy
David Flatley, my grandfather, who taught me to always lead with my left Billy's daughter Kirsten and Delainey
Captain Mary K. Flatley of the USMC Mary and Beth
Uncle Richie in 1937.  Sorry, I don't know the pony's name. Uncle Richie's First Communion
Uncle Larry and Uncle Richie Uncle Richie, Uncle Mike and Uncle Jackie (John)
Mary are you sure this is a picture of your Dad, Uncle Richie? They always said I looked like your Dad but this picture looks so much like me at that age and it's almost scary Richie and Billy at Uncle Richie's favorite watering hole O'Leary's Pub
Mary at work (semper fidelis)    


Contact the Webmaster - Tom Flatley

Last Updated July 20, 2009