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Timmy and Eileen sent me some pictures to share with you. 

My daughter Catie asked if that was John Travolta (I was thinking Eddie Munster).  No, I told her. That's my cousin Timmy on the left.  Standing next to him is my godfather Uncle Mike.  Next to Mike is Ma Kay, my godmother by the way.  Aunt Kay.  Ma Kay.  I'd need pages to tell you about Ma Kay.  When Ma Kay died the whole Angel world shifted to give her a place.  Next to Ma Kay is my very lucky Uncle Dave.  On the left of the picture is half of Dave I believe.

And here is Timmy, Kelly, Timmy, Kit and Colleen.  Tim thanks for the pictures, Colleen thanks for getting them to me and Kit, boy does Colleen look like you.
This is Mike Flatley & his son Mike taken down at Library Park in Harrison across from Holy Cross School

Two Mics and a Bud.  Well Michelobs and Budweiser anyway.  Hey, who are these guys?  Pete McSorley, Timmy and my Dad?


From Eileen -

We had this picture taken at my son Mike's wedding in August [2002 ED. Note]. From let to right is Judie, Timmy,
Kathy, Dennis, Patti, Mike, and myself. What a crew!!! A little news to post my son Vincent is getting married to Kendra Gruber on May 25, 2003 in New Hope, PA. They will be living in Hillsborough, NJ. I visit the website often to see if there is anything new going on. I wish more of the family would send news in, it would be great to know what everyone is up to. Keep in touch.


Tom    -    Here's one with 4 generation Flatley's.  Top Left is my Dad , David A. Flatley.  Next is Pop-Pop then my brother Dave , David R. Flatley & in front is Dave's son Mark Flatley . I believe this picture was taken at Dunphy Hawaiian Palms which was located on Cross St. just off the corner of 4th  St. in Harrison . By the way for those who do not know, 4 th St. is now called Frank E. Rodgers Blvd.  -  Timmy

Thanks again Timmy for another fine picture.  Since I have been digging up the roots of our Family Tree I've learned some things I didn't know before.  Your brother Dave's Dad is, of course,  Dave.  His Dad (Pop-Pop) is Dave too.  Until I started researching the Family Tree I didn't know what Pop-Pop's father's name was.  Does it surprise anyone to learn that he was David Flatley also?  Your (and my) Great-grandfather was born in Ireland in 1866 and married Winifred Burke born in 1868. 

Help me fill in these details for all of us to share.  To add your data into our research project please fill out the form at http://flatleyonline.com/genealogy_data.htm



Contact the Webmaster - Tom Flatley

Last Updated July 20, 2009