
We had this picture taken at my son Mike's wedding in August. From let to right Judie, Timmy,
Kathy, Dennis, Patti, Mike, and myself. What a crew!!! A little news to post my son Vincent is getting married to Kendra Gruber on May 25, 2003 in New Hope, PA. They will be living in Hillsborough, NJ. I visit the website often to see if there is anything new going on. I wish more of the family would send news in, it would be great to know what everyone is up to. Keep in touch.


These are the things that should be on the website and I will always post what I get.  I share your wish that more of the family should send news in, and it would be great to know what everyone is up to.  We just have to convince them.  Thanks for the News and the PIC.



Contact the Webmaster - Tom Flatley

Last Updated July 09, 2009